Nick Matocho

What did you find ambitious about it? Everything about it has confirmed that this is Dead Space 4

It’s called a deathmatch for a reason

Yeah I’d love to write my own story and have a corporation beat me to publication and a feature length movie because my copyright isn’t real

Bro come on that’s just straight up a shotgun. They all look more or less the same to function

This website has more NFT articles than gaming ones now lmao 


I hoped this was Target when I saw the cover and you didn’t disappoint

What appears to be the villain speaking in the trailer says “I learned your language” (paraphrase) in English. Could just be the NA VO for a trailer but it definitely sounds like English is the protagonists mother tongue rather than what the player would understand.

Tbh, same, and I’m a fan of this team. I hate the management and what they do to our players.

Reminds me of that “Killswitch” pasta, about that Korvina Corp. game that can only be played once, and the Japanese businessman that was going to vlog it but couldn’t decide what character to pick. I have a tattoo as a tribute to this story.