The point here is he most likely doesn’t speak to men like that...
The point here is he most likely doesn’t speak to men like that...
No, you shouldn’t yell at people like that, period. If she yelled back then it’s in defense and responding in kind. Nice try, tho. Your fellow incels at the Proud Boys shindig may buy that, but we don’t.
My stomach is in knots.
What in the holy fuck
Cars aren't several stories tall, though. The engineering required to build a structure that cavernous is impressive on its own.
Yes, keep the people that like cruises on the cruise ships.
Ran when docked. We know what we’ve got !
It needs another $230,000,000 for “equipment and passenger facilities [that] still need to be finished.” So, it’s sounds like it’s more akin to a floating empty storage facility.
They should scrap all the rest of them while they’re at it.
Whenever he says “I have a friend who...” or “People are saying...” it really just means he’s about to pull something out of his ass.
Donald Trump does not have a friend
who owns a car that gets 38 mpg.
What I really think would make a lot of sense is for the feds to incentivize gas station owners (especially ones in more isolated areas) to install fast chargers. I know a lot of them are limited on space, but it would alleviate a lot of range anxiety if people knew that they could find chargers at the majority of gas…
Mate, this site hasn’t had writers since they were east of the Rockies.
I obviously want no religion to have any say in our legislature of course but I have to appreciate this; as a Jew, it’s something I’ve been talking about for a long time. If I become pregnant, the pregnancy could threaten my life - and I am required to take steps to preserve my life, so...
This is a fantastic thread by a Rabbi who further explains the Jewish viewpoint on abortion rights and access:
Now THIS was headline clickbait nonpareil. Johnson has a good coin, but not enough to merit the verrrrrry judicious headline saying he may “buy” the Broncos. Remember when Jay-Z was used as a “part owner” to paper over the less than savory true owner of the team, when he only bought a minuscule share. Sure, it would…