Splendid Fairywren

Those big, long haul planes often have crew quarters with bunks and stuff.  Not luxury, but not in Scum Class either.

David’s right.  Gotta be an old Merc.

Thank you. It was a great read.

I Just Bought A Tiny 40-Year-Old Travel Trailer And I’m Going To Live In It

Yeah, that’s the most boring donk I’ve ever seen.

This reminds me of a lifted, “adventure” kitted, blue, convertible Miata I see on my evening commute.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Are these only for bikes with disc brakes?

Are these only for bikes with disc brakes?

Minister Bruno Bruins

Are you a panda?

I feel that anxiety about the new “Bronco.”

It mostly does, but seeing these stupid crossovers for the last ten years has lowered my standards.

I was almost NP, but where are the seat belts?  Interior neglect leaves me with many doubts.

I had exactly the same experience with the opposite reaction.  Yesterday, I saw my first new Blazer and I thought it quite attractive.  Red with black trim.

This makes no aesthetic sense with a framed window.

It seems pointless to even do the removal since face recognition is everywhere now. . .and don’t think some criminals don’t already have it.

I am just now finding out about it.

P.S.: If anyone wants a T-shirt with a French fry icon over the left nipple, make me an offer. These kids’ college funds aren’t going to grow themselves.

Compulsive eating has to be done with immediacy and abandon.  Thatz too much time and effort.