
And you didn’t mention it was black Africans that kidnapped, tortured and raped other black people only to sell them to white Europeans because?

History is complex. Individuals are complex.

Why would you call the founding fathers pieces of shit? As Theadore Parker said, “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice.”

Whether or not they were pieces of shit (boy howdy, they were), Americans revere the Founding Fathers for the, uh, not piece of shit things they did, like creating the modern conception of republican government. I’m not saying we shouldn’t tear their statues down, but if we let them stand there’s at least a reason to

The founders were pieces of shit, pretty much without exception, and I have no problem with tearing down every likeness of them ever assembled. But it does not follow that because Confederate statues are coming down, all statues must come down. Even a very small child knows better than that.

some dumbass shit about how like if you take down cheap, hollow, sheet-metal statues of the white-supremacist halfwits and slavers who went to war against the United States to preserve their power to own people, does it not also follow that you will also take down statues of the founders of the United States, and

apropos of nothing, airglow over the azores: