
In the past week or so, I’ve gotten through twice and faxed once. I was polite to the staffer (who frankly sounded miserable). I just picked DeVos as the one issue on which to focus. I tried to appeal to his self serving nature by saying, “This isn’t a partisan issue. She is flat out unqualified. The Senator doesn’t


Handcuffing 5-year-old children. Handcuffing 70-year-old ladies.

That’s what happens when you enable nazis and white supremacists with unlimited “free speech”.

Such a tragedy. This is the kind of senseless violence we are trying to avoid in this country. Who knows what might happen to Muslim refugees in America if Mr. Trump hadn’t generously turned them away?

Sadly, the rhetoric is escalating to violence alot faster than most of us feared.

No the crowds are HUGE. They are all just wearing white with white hoods. They are all gathered in the center.

I can’t wait for twitter fight between Kanye and Trumpo.

My favorite Tweet of the year has a similar flavour:

Sorry Pence, this campaign is in it’s 14th month. Too late to abort now.

No worries Anna, I found a handy dandy dress code chart to make your life easier - just consult this before you leave your hotel room and you’re all set!

Wow. So she wasn’t even arguing for a meritocratic process in the first place. In addition to assigning herself the public roll of entitled dim-wit and poster child for white mediocrity and fragility, she also illustrates the acute dangers of parents blowing smoke up their snowflakes’ buttholes.

Hahahahahaha good.