
At first I thought watching a game backward didn’t make a lot of sense. Then I realized it’s just another perspective. And from that perspective every game ends in a tie. And then I thought, why not draft another power forward?

Liberty is limiting its recruitment to high school football players who’ve proven they can convert.

You’re kidding yourself if you think Liberty attracts students who won’t do whatever the maw at the front of Ol’ Jerry’s Bible Believin’ Church(TM) says they should.

Are we just left to assume it was only the white players using the slurs? So unfair. Sad!

This episode brought to you via the Russian broadcast.

I’m sure there are many colleges that would love to go 15-21 while producing responsible, driven, and academically active student athletes.

Sounds like someone’s gunning for a cabinet position.

Yeah. Kerr isn’t wrong, but glass houses and thrown stones are the order of the day here.

This is an awful opinion, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Yes, you’re right, a man catching a dump-off pass and scoring an uncontested bucket definitely is what is exciting about this basketball play from Europe.

I thought he was just rating them on a scale of physical attractiveness.


Mike Pence is worse than Donald Trump.

Say what you will about Gruden, but I think it’s nice that he still takes the time to have his mom cut his hair.

“Next time you watch an MNF game, drink every time Gruden grabs his belt. He does it all the time, like he just strode into the fucking O.K. Corral.”

God save us from President Pence.

I want to be interested in sports today, but I’m a Pats fan and the coach sent a nice pick-me-up note to Trump, like a letter a mom might put in their kids lunch bag.

I’m devastated, too. But, I think your comment (which reflects an attitude towards Trump supporters we both shared) is the problem.

"except the girl from high school I had been filling full of beers and shots so that I could get some action later. We head to an after party at a bar where I black out and proceed to accidentally grab my friend's wife's boobs"