
One X, you say?

My guess is it's for sending info / notifications to other devices, like an iPod nano, perhaps?

That water's way too blue, dude. Looks unhealthy.

Nice fail you got there

Srsly wut?

I'm judging by the lack of response from Dr. Memmo that he didn't survive the second attempt.

I lol'd

that sandwich looks delicious.


Blah blah blah Gizmodo is dumb. I'm on the Internet and I need to leave angry, pretentious comments online so I can feel better about myself.

I often wonder; why is everyone on the internet so quick to judge what someone else does?


That's the only proper way to ever read anything.

Fear of change.

"I don't believe in tipping"

You forgot about the time that Apple completely rewrote the book on handheld / mobile gaming.

I'll gladly accept your correction, but you've gotta admit, "seeing-eye octopi" sounds outstanding!

I believe you mean seeing-eye octopi

Not if you take plenty of Rad-X and RadAway!

I'm very intrigued by Apple's smart cover design, but since it doesn't offer a whole lot of protection aside from just the screen I've decided against it. This, however, has a beautiful, elegant look and the necessary protection I've been looking for. Whether I win one or not, I think I've found my case!