
Am I the only one that sees this:

That was actually... pretty dark

If they can kajigger a spoon in there somehow I'll renounce my faith and claim it my new god.

I'm pretty sure this is just Nintendo starting the hype-train for the next Pikmin sequel.

I'm pretty sure this is just Nintendo starting the hype-train for the next Pikmin sequel.

No, dude, it's not

He explains in the video, But what he actually says is if the asteroid is traveling at 10km/s, we'd need to slow it down by 2mm/s, or by 1/10,000,000th

I don't know why you're all so scared. This is clearly their first attempt at building the best robot ever: Dog

Definitely an fun sounding idea, but I'm worried that it looks a little clunky :-\

That was a great story. I actually felt sad for the character. It almost makes the splicers seem more human.

I agree with that business model whole-heartedly. In fact, another game I like, Outwitters, has a similar bargain where you pay $2-3 and get all available content and all (or at least most) future add-ons as well!

I'm 100% certain you meant Bisexual

Boneitis? That's a funny name for a horrible disease

Whether I think Samus needs a reboot or not is irrelevant(I do not); the art is beautiful.

Omigod I forgot about that! I just got the chills even thinking about it!

That MST3K one is the best!!

"... so we can't comment on how the blacks look."

My gif didn't work :-(

That's incredible.

I've been a huge fan of both Pulse and Flipboard for a while. Add in a little Pocket for those really interesting articles that I don't have time for and I'm set.