
@Curse_Your_Sudden_But_Inevitab...: Agreed.

I refuse to call that guy anything but Dr. Robotnik.

@Symbiotics: Whoops, my mistake. So they're just publishing it, then?

I'm glad that epic knows it's still ok to make a game that just blatantly makes fun of itself. There are far too many developers that just stay in the comfort zone of serious realism. There's little doubt that this will be one hell of a fun fucking game.

@hawkeye18: normally I would tell you that you shouldn't be eating while reading something humorous, but no man should be told to stop eating bacon. For any reason. Ever.

@qbah: T3h graffix are sukkkyyy! This gaem will be teh werst!

sad kitty is sad.

@Jackman941: evidently, when tube socks disappear in the dryer they turn into magical portals to the Yarn Universe

Firstly, that was incredible.

@Jeff Goodman: No, it's cool. I'll start banging Jennifer Aniston and/or Angelina Jolie and the rest will just work itself out.

@TheBobmanNH: I stand corrected. I should have paid closer attention in my history classes. My apologies if I offended anyone with my naive assumptions.

These pictures are beautiful and amazing. The one depicting slavery, however, almost made me feel sick to my stomach. Something about seeing such a vibrant, colorful picture about those poor people's lives just makes me feel so sorry for the foundation this country was built upon.

@Hami83: Yes, there were phones that had "apps" before the iphone, but they were almost always poorly designed, hard to navigate and extremely limited. For example, name one phone that had a half-decent web browser pre-iPhone.

@Hami83: Sorry to burst you bubble, but the iPhone quite literally revolutionized the mobile phone market worldwide. Not to mention the introduction of "app stores" to virtually every mobile platform since apple introduced it. Granted, they weren't the first, but they were the first to do it right. Now they've got the

@Skyllus: it's a truly amazing rendition, to be honest.

Although I have no use for the product since all I have is a MBP, it does seem like a fairly useful idea. Plus, I'm rather impressed that they're only charging $69 for it when people would have easily paid $100 for it.

@Grégory Jourdan: And your interpretation is 100% correct. As well as the interpretation of the author of this post. And everyone else that has their own interpretation. Which is part of what makes this movie so engrossing, because there are many correct ways to interpret it.

@billysan: I agree, I've always loved his artwork. Although there's a slight shortage of robots in Contra artwork for his usual taste I think.