
@WhiteMage: No flash on iPods or iPhones. It's unfortunate, but not a dealbreaker for most. Such as myself.

I installed Easy Peasy on my gf's Aspire One a few months back and had a HELL of a time trying to get my wireless network to connect. After reading several forums it appears that it is a somewhat common problem with a few different flavors of Linux distros.

I can't believe I never put it together before.... King Koopa is Hitler!!!

I wonder if he's tried to sue The Edge from U2

Not only will I buy this because all three games are great, but more so for the fact that it just might be the worst box art combination ever.

Rescue Rangers wallpaper is up.

I'm not even a PC gamer, but this makes me want to buy the game just based on principal.

@False: "Funny, isn't it? The human was impervious to our most powerful magnetic fields, yet in the end he succumbed to a harmless sharpened stick!"

I really want this game to be awesome, but I'm fairly certain it won't be.

online multiplayer please.

What has six legs, six arms, and two heads?