
But he said Mexico would pay for it.

I don't think I've ever used the upvote function on purpose. Most of my reason for being here is to force myself to have conversations with people outside of my 3-person vacuum.

I'm getting 3216 from my house.

Honorable mention for most names, from Firesign Theater:
Malanie Haber…
You may remember her as Audrey Farber?…
Susan Underhill?…
How about Betty Joe Biolosky?!
Oh! You mean Nancy!

Speaking of real people, Alastair Fothergill should wrestle Benedict Cumberbatch for Most British Sounding award.

I had a girlfriend who used to order "1-cent" CD's to the name of Eugena Bongo-Shaftesbury.

…Sewer Urchin?

Porgy Tirebiter
Ralph Spoilsport
Nick Danger, 3rd Eye
Rocky Rococo

The dwarf names (and a bunch of the elves) are all taken from the Icelandic Edda. I think the hobbit names were all Tolkein's.

Ratio Hornblower (Angel)
Professor Garbanzo (Beanworld)

I read that in Gilbert Gottfried's voice.

The code was probably written in lemon juice. Just hold it up to a light bulb for a minute.

I barely had time to notice. It was a pot rally with an ironclad exit time but one of the shitty opening bands seemed to think they were the main attraction and ate up most of the remaining time.

I saw Flipper in SF in '91. They only got to play three songs though.

Wasn't there even a Residents' eyeball in the video? There's another giveaway.

I can think of much worse 80's hits. Not that I want to. Shit, now I'm thinking about them, but I'm not going to talk about them. You're welcome.

God grant you glory, brave Father Murphy. Now that is a fucking song.

I've always hated that song. First of all, a national anthem shouldn't be hastily stuffed into an old drinking song in the middle of a shitstorm. Second, the words of the song resist singing. Who puts words like "broad" and "bombs" on a passing tone? Who gives the highest note of the piece an "ee" sound?

There's plenty of those; can't sue them all.