
Finished The Year of the Flood yesterday and now I'm waiting for the library to open so I can grab Maddaddam. I hope Margaret Atwood has nothing better to do than keep writing books until she's 100.

West Virginia has Boomer, Cucumber, and Nimrod. Also, I once drove through South Dildo, Newfoundland.

I can pitch in the recipe for a salad dressing that's so good my spouse wants nothing but salad for dinner every day.

I've added "unecessoiree" to my vocabulary.

If you can't trust the Internet, what can you trust?

The truth about the lutefisk is that you should never eat the lutefisk.

That's a little unfair. I went downhill skiing once, but they don't call me the downhill skier. But you fuck one goat…

At the time, the Groo the Wanderer/Usagi Yojimbo crossover seemed to me like the event of the century, though I suppose that sort of thing must have been common enough in the comics world.

Mustn't forget Elf & Safety.

I remember getting a liver-flavored one out of a coin-op JB machine in like 1985. Even then there were rumors whispered about even grosser flavors

We Troll Fans?

"Did you manage to drag yourselves up on deck?"
"No, we wore casual."

I gave myself a crash course in the British Camp Comedians this weekend, after a friend described the sound of his voice as "Kenneth Williams on acid," and I didn't know what that meant. Williams was the jewel of the bunch for me. I could listen to him read the weather.

Fresh cheese, more like.

I guess it's no worse than their warriors putting horns on their helmets. I keep hoping we've seen that for the last time outside of kiddie shows.

Or raiding the far East to get shoyu and mirin?

Horses are so naff.

You'd think the most formidable warriors in the galaxy would have armor insulated against low-voltage DC current. Or maybe he had time to build a transformer out of something.

Try explaining this to people in countries where they just don't watch shit that bothers them.

If you are in the UK, the quality of junk food available makes McDonalds irrelevant. I wouldn't have eaten there in the US if I could get pasties and samosas on every street corner.