Well that certainly led me down a rabbit hole. I was about to say Reddit is a whole other world, but actually I think we're the whole other world. http://www.reddit.com/user/bozarking…
Well that certainly led me down a rabbit hole. I was about to say Reddit is a whole other world, but actually I think we're the whole other world. http://www.reddit.com/user/bozarking…
Mark, I want, nay, need to see a picture of you in your tiara.
Oooh! Link, please.
Yeah, was about to ask how this wasn't an epic win for the golden retriever.
[big smile] Touché, sir.
Do you owe me money?
Oh, my god. Garden City... a mall... please tell me this film is set in Roosevelt Field. I will go see it just for that.
Right, because men are dishonest, irresponsible brutes, and women are delicate snowflakes who never actually want sex.
So is being overbearingly humorless in internet comment sections.
I'd love to see your source on this.
[draws in breath] Yikes.
Haha. Even better, I had a new girlfriend over to meet my friends, and an old friend was the one leaning right over the already-gassed-but-unlit stove when the new GF, eager-to-please, leapt to light the pilot light for her. Bad move.
That relationship lasted only 2 weeks, but for unrelated reasons. At least, on the…
Well, your taste and perspicacity commend you, and your comment history is thoroughly entertaining, which scores big in my book. And it’s been a couple of years since I’ve made a solid commitment to an entertaining stranger over the internet. So with the same spirit that drives me to hold lit matches to pots of…
Youse guys are pikers. My kitchen disaster was melting some candles to make the surface of my devil sticks (google it if you need to) tackier when I was 15 years old, and noticing the vapor rising from the pot, and remembering hearing that it’s the wax vapor, not the wick, that burns when you light a candle, and, in…
Inspired by this, I compiled my own spreadsheet of how my nights of loving have been going lately.