Spit Grtzr

I don’t get where the general animosity toward HOA’s come from. If you don’t like the idea then don’t move into a neighborhood that has one. Sure there are some HOA’s that make up stupid things and are generally awful to comply with-there are also some that keep your neighborhood a really nice place to live. So read

piece of shit? seems like he did us a favor-

she never quite gets around to if its a front porch or a back porch

damn thats my dream scenario-

wow- kinda goofy- but

wtf- from the patron state of ‘dont tell me what to do’?

this description doesnt quite get all the detail- he shot out a couple of the balloons- and then dropped the pellet gun. He still came down anyway but that was one reason he stayed aloft so long...no gun

you need to point out up front the NPCP cars that are from New Jersey. I voted too soon.

Putin is the classic dip-shit

I made over 1500$ but had 950 in costs....

the real question is why does it only cost 30 bucks to fix a windshield- all my windshield repairs were a shit-ton more than 30 bucks

wait til I put my tank up on cinder blocks right next door

that doesnt even make sense

I want to molest this

is that Herr Tracy in the photo above?

I worked at Mot when they actually made phones that people wanted to buy- and there was a similar scenario. Mot would throttle the capabilities of the processors on Android phones, based on the price they paid to the chip manufacturer. One could spoof the phone to get the full processor capability (which in some cases

All lexi suck

jesus christ what a pussy

...but, but