
While I am not a fan of F1's current fan-gouging culture, there’s probably a good reason. The bridge was almost certainly not designed to take the type of structural load that would occur if thousands of spectators crammed onto it at the same time for the view. Also, there’s a scenario where you get a Hillsborough

Toyota Land Cruiser or E-class Wagon. Total stealth wealth-mobiles. If you know, you know. And if you don’t know, then I don’t care. 

A few years back, my wife got a flat after hitting a monster pothole at 11PM in the middle of winter (Thanks, excellent Philadelphia roads). They told her it would be 3 hours. I woke up and bundled up our 1 Y.O. daughter and drove to put her spare on myself. Two years ago, I lost my clutch at the track with my road

For what it’s worth, I’m 6-1, and a Planted base and a Sparco Sprint sidemount got me under the rollbar without modifying the pan. Body proportions certainly can be different, but you’ve got an inch headstart on me. I wonder if you just need a new seat.

That would be the 53BHP 1974 Triumph Spitfire I drove in HS. I can't believe I took that thing on 95 and the NJ Turnpike repeatedly...

Even the base i30 I rented in Spain with a 6-spd was a fun drive. As always, if only they were available in the US, I’d plan to buy a used one in 8 years.

Agreed! Really interesting accounting of why it failed in Halberstam’s “The Reckoning.” Very clear lessons about how hard it is to break into auto market in US. Basically, he argues that the product was superior, and company probably would have been better run than big 3, but they just didn’t go big enough. Very

Looking for the same answer. I have an awesome interest rate, but missed out on the loan payment break, etc. because the government doesn’t own my loan. Consolidating on studentaid.gov would raise my interest rate by more than 1%, so I haven’t done it. But if it means I would then qualify for forgiveness, the calculus

Quick Nick Heidfeld - most podiums without a win.

That thing isn't worth $56k loaded with gold bricks.

Flash back to 1996-7, in the early days of internet listings (probably on AOL and early autotrader) I DID see an Alfa Romeo Montreal for sale at a price that made me show it to my dad for longshot consideration in our $2-3k car restoration budget. Maybe $10K.  I thought it was a cool looking car, but I think we

Its already priced in - see the economic concept of the "Market for Lemons." That's why used cars are much cheaper than new cars. The market price reflects that things like this happen.

Once I became a dad, it became much more important that I wrench when I want to wrench, and that I daily drive a car that doesn’t dictate my wrenching schedule. I’m more tired now, I need to be more sensitive to my wife’s schedule, and like others said, I want to spend more time doing things with my daughters. This, I

Well, not the Jalopnik comments section the first four times I load an article...

David - when I read that you were a fellow Wahoo, I wondered why we never met (then I saw what year you graduated - I was class of 2003), and then immediately wondered if you had Prof. Cahen. I took his Motorsports Engineering course with my sole elective first semester, and also had him for Material Science and

I was watching DTM highlights the other day and thinking what I’d pay for a brand new one right now - it’s exactly what I need in my next car. But without the 25-30 year old parts.

Architect here - weathering steel weeps red. Maintenance of the sidewalk surrounds is a pain for building owners. Looks cool, terrible to live with. US steel tower isn't an isolated case.

Bad Ombres. 

Ohhhhh - that NASA. I read that as National Auto Sports Association, and it confused the hell out of me.

It was bad advice for someone whose primary objective was passing their driver’s test. I could deal with tire wear issues later.