
I’m surprised* that Whitman, who probably drives every day through heavy traffic, has never been cut off before, and that he’s astonished and dismayed by this rare occurrence.

I was just thinking, isn’t she about my age?  I hope this was a surrogate pregnancy.   Holy crap, I’ve been post-menopausal for 5 years.

I am also cheap.

Yes, I have Konmari’d my underwear/sock drawer and have maintained for more than a year. Babysteps.

I look at each garment and say “I’ll fit into this again someday,” and that gives me less anxiety than getting rid of it. I also have a history of getting rid of something I haven’t used in 2 years, only to need it desperately 6 months later and buy new to replace.  I will always live in clutter.

fuck the passive "it's been noticed"  By who? Am I violating any policy?  Is my work not getting  done?  Then how does this affect my performance?  

Listen to women!  Listen to girls!  

And nobody suspected that a graduate student had a lot of cash to throw around. Nobody suspected a Russian graduate student was cozying up to Republican operatives. Nobody suspected a Russian graduate student getting access to power brokers at the NRA.

<very small voice> I would wear those.</very small voice>

I always assumed you were a woman, maybe because I see your posts on Jez.  

Oh, it’s ok to wear “Kiss Me I’m Irish” shirts. The problem isn’t foreign origin.  It’s “brown people don’t belong here.”

While Trump was scratching his ass and while Republican Senators met with their bosses in Russia, Warren was celebrating July 4th with soldiers stationed overseas in Iraq and Kuwait. Of course they’re scared of her and will be screaming Pocahontas ad infinitum.

It’s just his way of saying “oh, I couldn’t possibly know anything about you in advance, I don’t know who you are!” so he doesn’t come off as a total fraud.

How do these judges justify their behavior?  Are they just following orders or do they really think children as young as this should be treated as any other potential criminal?

Their president is also currently a pimp - he has licensed his name to hotels, spas, escort services, and massage parlors in China.

I’ll believe it when there are no white men and women on the Supreme Court, none in Congress, none in Governor’s offices, none in mayoral offices. Until then, fuck off whiners.

Horrifying, isn’t it, how fast the descent is?

Or creeping on girls/boys/both.

The word sanctimonious keeps wandering through my mind. 1 and 4 I can’t contest. The rest are pretty preachy (except the poop one).

Given the way things are going, the US will pull out of the UN by the end of the year.