
See Jason, it’s this kind of thing that keeps you from getting invited to go get drunk with the rest of the staff. Keep it up.

Now playing

I’m expecting a ton of Doctor Girlfriends

Let’s not forget this guy:

This is a very strange list.

“I’ve made it.” - Spinelli

When my ex and I started dating, I had a 2006 Evo IX MR. He hated that car. He didn’t like the seats (too broad for the Recaros), didn’t like the look (too ricey), and he hated the attention it got me. He finally convinced me to sell it a few years into our relationship. He said he’d never let me drive another,

Anything that makes you happy.... because your Ex was not able to...



alternate topshots we were looking at:

Oh man I hope so. I kept getting really mad at the game b/c it kept acting like Yen & Geralt was still a thing even though I’d clearly romanced Triss/broken up with Yen.

This is the first and possible last time I say this, but I am glad my kids limit me to putting about 4-5 hours a week into this brilliant game. I’m not near burned out, and I get to absorb the new DLC stuff naturally. But otherwise...damn kids and their constant needs.

5/5 TruckYeahs

You can not post one photo of the Dragon Corvette of Evansville, IA, as one photo only tells part of the story.

Dragon is always the answer.

Your dad built that and it was over weight you SOB.

This would have been discovered sooner if it had been stamped near the front transmission seal.