World Eater

After Robocop and stuff like Frank Miller I was prepared for Starship Troopers but at the time I thought it rehashed Robocop too much. I need to revisit it. I wasn't entirely…sober…at the time. The image of Doogie Howser showing up looking like Himmler was hilarious.

Sadly I don't think Carpenter gets any money for anything Thing related, as it's a Universal property. I hope I'm wrong. I think I've read that he didn't see a dime from the 2011 film.

I've always loved The Thing and Carpenter; after reading that, my respect for him went even higher. The revisions he personally made to the Thing (after principal photography in LA, before location) are possibly what creeped me out the most when I was young, and still to this day. He has excellent story-telling

This is the post of the century.

Last night I started watching The Thing because I have never seen it in HD. Looks fabulous…I was getting sucked in, but I had to step when Clark took the dog to the kennel. Me, a 40-year-old. The eerieness of the story-telling up to that point really works.

So that must have been the Thing special? I distinctly remember the Return of the Jedi Lights, Camera, Action.

Holy shit yes, I remember seeing that, Bottin talking about using eggs for eyes and shit. The image of the formless ooze body of the dog-thing and those random eyes…I knew it was fake, hell, they were talking about how they did it, but it didn't matter to my 8-9-year-old brain, nor now to my 40-year-old brain. Those