
What you’re not seeing, is the terrifying mountain lion he’s running from.

He was made to do it, the baby was holding him at gunpoint.

I know, but I don’t know if it’s just because it’s compared to the Porsche’s but it just seemed overall slower than I expected.

We’ve tried this, it didn’t end well

I present the 2029 Olympics participants.

I can have the sound effects of a computer mouse?

Now playing

Is there a Tie Fighter sound setting? There should be...

That looks like a lot of ketchup and mustard for one burger.

That's a special kind of stupid.

it's like live Looney Tunes.

"...But if you work in a dangerous part of the world..." so, Ferguson then ...

As always, sci fi leads the way.

Tossing salt on reptile meat while raw causes that, the neurons are firing. But once out of the pot those are tasty suckers. So are alligator tail steaks.

this is not ok lol