
This is really stupid. I can’t believe he just didn’t walk away from thsee dumbass “questions” you were asking. You are way too sensitive and people like u shouldn’t play rated m games if that’s how u feel. It would save yourself from the bunched up panties u have. I’ve seen people get shot and a friend that jumped

thats awesome lol the kid got the ps4 in the end so whats the damage. people need to get a sense of humor. theres to many problems in this world to give a shit about a kids belief in santa. the 9 year old got his ps4. the parents are so dramatic, the spoiled brat got his gift, plus a free game, and they got a free

The game released June 23rd. Every review afterwards is a post release review. Stop trying to bullshit us wb. U released a broken game to pc players and your punishment at the very least should be dealing with those reviews. Rich Bastards, I wonder if theyll actually get away with what is essentially bold face lying