
Nice run by Julia. Be interesting if she and Arthur Chu get to play against each other in the ToC.

Damn, a third/final season where they actually take on the nano instead of it existing simply to facilitate other stories could have been interesting. Though I just now had a bad image of it simply becoming some kind of zombie-like thing, so…

Yeah, it was silly. But, whatever. After 12 wins and almost a quarter million dollars I guess she can be a little cocky and have some fun.

That one contestant's rambling about her husband's proposal probably caused the leftover clues in each round.

Seems too few people know who she is. Hell, how many people even know that BBCA is a thing? Maybe she'll pop up on Parks & Rec again and get some more recognition.

It's the absolute best thing to dine on when watching a pay-per-view special of Barbra Streisand covering the works of Celine Dion.

She's the Annie Edison of the 9-9

Still looking for that David Schwimmer "The last remaining Friend" cameo.

But only if they spend inordinate amounts of time in the holodeck and are wary of transporters.

The idea of Angry Birds fan fiction was, to me, the funniest thing from this episode.

Haley Joel Osmet's face is too small for his head.

She started on the show in season 8.

Here's hoping that, quality-wise, it's more like Scrubs season 8.

It doesn't help that the RSS updates for about half the reviews don't include the show name, only the episode title.

One word: cupcakes.

I really hope that the impending move to TBS doesn't kill AD's budget and prevent them from doing further episodes with such great animation.

I don't necessarily want Silent Alarm 2, but I'd much rather that than their last album or any of the Kele solo stuff.