Christ these are some godawful photos.
Christ these are some godawful photos.
Maybe because in articles about the opening hours for stores some women feel that it's necessary to shoehorn in sexualization for absolutely no reason:
Go Bots forever!
It's almost as though Budweiser understands their target audience and made a commercial to appeal to them! It seems like a novel concept, I know, which is probably why you're so confused but it's one of the tenets of "advertising". It's surprising that you work in media and have never heard of this concept before. …
Can you please please please tell me where to sign up to get paid for summarizing the content of a Youtube video that somebody else made???
Thank you so much for this article, it is both horrifying as well as incredibly enlightening. These are the types of things I remember Jezebel being about before becoming a barely more feminist-friendly version of TMZ.
Perfect, now we're posting day old things from reddit, not even attempting to stay current is pretty sad for an apparent "gaming" blog.
It's called color theory, how the fuck is this an actual article that somebody got paid for? The quality of articles on Gawker media lately leads me to believe that they're undergoing a financial crisis and actually aren't paying many of their writers any more. The only way this kind of galactically obvious crap…
Thank goodness we're still allowed to completely reduce and sexualize males otherwise society would truly be an absolute bore.
Physics look like absolute crap, hopefully some work is put into making it somewhat realistic for release.
Gone Girl fucking sucked, why it would deserve to be nominated for anything is beyond me.
Another issue is that if somebody is purchasing this as an upgrade, if they decide to sell their older model they're forced to either buy another adapter, or force the buyer to buy an adapter.
Please continue to see a therapist (I'm assuming you already are). What do they say about your "therapeutic use" of violent video games?
Who fucking cares, why is Jezebel focusing so much on this man's body?
Love this, I wish I was a journalist for Gawker, getting paid to write articles about things I'm not even interested in or have no clue about.