Scott Neville

The number one problem I have with drifting has nothing to do with skill and or cars or the performance of the chase, nothing of the sort. My issue is the “judging” Basically a group of people who may or may not like you or your car.. decide, influenced by the crowd, and a plethora of criteria, all based on opinion,

I hate to say this.. but it looks a LOT like the Gemballa kits of the era. They were.. I suppose the rocket bunny of the 80s. Very outlandish kits. Questionable functionality.. big on style. IIRC SOME of the gemballa 911s were pretty stout for what they were. Then RUF came out with the yellowbird and nobody cared that

The vibe is just off. THe look on Matt LeBlancs face when they “high five” says it all.. kinda like.. GAH.. I have to do this. I am just not feeling it. I watched all the Top gears that came along via FinalGear, when it was out. And they just didnt have the chemistry.