Poor old Crippled Alice...
Poor old Crippled Alice...
Where is Elijah Wood? Can't have a proper dust up with out the feared ICF American brute.
From a Derby supporter, welcome to Sky Bet Hell. Enjoy your long stay.
As a proud father of two young Texans I ask you to consider this. Maybe, we just don’t have the brightest kids in the good ol USA. My boys can cipher and what not, but an air conditioned ballpark would absolutely rock!
Sorry, just a dumbass that given the wrong circumstances is pummeled or worse. Not the kind of chance you want to take in this day and age.
This isn't news, this is Belts. Most awesome don't touch my head guy in the majors. Enjoy while you can.
If Chris Berman is the .1%, I’m good with that plan.
The more I watch this the more obvious it is. He was trying to swat a bee or wasp. Watch the glove hand swipe and I’m sure you will agree. Bautista should be thanking him. Bee stings can be deadly.
You seem to have everyone and everything figured out. You win.
Don't catch sarcasm much do you big guy?
Take your ass whooping like a man/girl my Canadian friend.
Go back to Yahoo with that weak shit.
That must've taken hours to come up with.
Yes sir! Can't wait for his first AB when they come home.
Put the moonshine down post haste.
Baller? Really? I told my wife to stay off this site!
I celebrated a bunch of red meat and alcohol with my on field violence and it was sweetness.
Nope, he had a big third baseman holding him up.
Awww, no snacks after the game for him either!!!!