spin doctor

Fan theory! The embassy was Russian, because all the staff spoke (badly voice-coached, action-movie) Russian. My take was that the leader speaking British English was just a Hans Gruber thing - I was surprised to see the review explicitly say the country wasn't specified, and call him British. Then again, the show

Sure you can pick out details. From that skull, they're making up fake dinosaur monsters again, instead of drawing on real insane discoveries from recent years, and dinosaur specialists will cry and cry on their blogs again because nobody cares

Well, Room with a View? That one is like the whole romantic philosophy. Be a teenage Helena Bonham-Carter in Italy, and fall for the guy who yells about the beauty of the world out of trees.

I was relieved that Andy's initial turnaround - laughing and giving in at the marriage-for-everyone cake - wasn't final. That definitely seemed too easy. At least the episode acknowledged that things are a bit more complicated: Having Andy boil over again struck me as real enough, as did Steven finally connecting more

I'm a Canadian in Southern Africa, and I don't miss ketchup chips - they sell them here too, just like in the UK and any civilized country. What I DO miss is dill pickle chips though … Like salt and vinegar but way more complex and delicious. For some reason the air here smelled like dill pickle chips one day, and I


Throw in Jennifer Ehle as Liz Bennet while you're at it. Never been a smarter, winninger version of such a smart, winning heroine.

All the DKR talk is weird for me, because I got to know it through "Gnatrat: The Dark Gnat Returns." Someone gave me that comic when I was a teenager, and I pored over it, struggling to understand what it was referring to. It seemed like genius - if I could only figure out WHY Batman was an old rat, why so many things

Or who knows, unplaceable

I get why Spectre wouldn't get put on a list like this, but man I thought it was depressing - seeing it on your list there was gave me a little shot of faith in humanity. My friends left the theatre calling it "K Thanks Bai: The Movie"

Is it worse that I completely agree with you, and part of why I probably still hate it is that I actually live in Africa and everyone hears it nonstop on Top 40 radio here? I think that makes it worse

I liked him in Paperboy too. The peeing, he sold the hell out of that peeing

I've been really surprised to find out my new replacement movie site is - Grantland?

Not the ONLY person, Devil Flanders. Not the ONLY person

Hah well I'm not going to try turn this into a dinosaur nerd smackdown … But I WILL just leave this weird Italian blog here: http://translate.google.com…|en&tbb=1&ie=UTF-8

Errr, total nerd admission. I respected Book Tim's dinosaur geekery because he really knew things: Crichton established this by having him point out that a museum specimen had the wrong number of tail bones. A kid who read obscure, adult material and absorbed it - a real little genius. That probably seemed too

Yeah - sad, but makes sense. We get the knives out for family, but if it's some nobody named Jeyne, so what.

Yeah - politicians on Twitter smells like doing whatever they can to get clicks. It was my roommate's private reaction that I can't shake.