
If that's your way of saying you're going to fuck off, it's about time.

I can't put "Fuck off, you boring cunt" any simpler.

Why, do you want to fuck me? Just buzz off, Tipper.

You'll get yours, just you wait.

Hopefully this means that something interesting will happen to the squeaky-voiced balloon of fat and his slatternly tart inj the same way we had to sit through hours of the world's most boring elf, Dobby, in Harry Potter.

Oh grow up, you prissy cunt. This is AVC not Christian Mumsnet.

Under no circumstances with John Hurt be the doctor.

He's 'Matt' to his friends. Are you a friend? Or somebody who just watches him on television?

I hope it's a middle-aged white male who's been a respectable stage character actor in the UK for many years. I hope it's not some fucking trendy choice. that makes no sense outside its trendiness.

Tit report please?

George, step away from the Bargain Bucket and get those greasy pirogis you call fingers back on the keyboard. We need to know how this fucker ends before your tiny fat-encrusted heart gives a little fart and pops like a grape.

And with a newly reconciled Uncle Tywin Lannister offering to stand godfather to the little tyke.

Well, I haven't see the episode yet or read the review but I'd just like to extend my best wishes to the happy couple and wish them a blessed and long future. It's nice for something positive to happen once in a while in Westeros.

I have actually shouted something very similar into my phone almost every day. Especially since it only recognises 'Period' and not 'Comma'.

It's a pity that the new Arrested Development came out while Veep was still on. Though I adore the old series, its new incarnation suffers hideously by comparison with this smart, sharp and funny new series. Who'd have thought that out of all of them, Tony Hale would emerge as AD's strongest comedic player?

But is it funny or isn't it?

With unwashed hair.

Relax, it's just this academic PC castration of language is simply designed to conflate academic and political outsiders unable to compete otherwise in ordinary social discourse. It's as Nietzsche - that old loony says - the way a smaller group overcomes a larger group is to make it feel guilty.

"In general, it's poor taste to regard anyone as uncivilized."

Ugh. How dogamtaically prolish.