
Now don't be angry just because my opinion is different from yours. Lee is an interesting storyteller but he's not an interesting, original or dynamic director. Perhaps you might Google martin Scorsese's - generous - comments on the limits of Lee as a director.

I withdraw the 'whitey'!

I think critical and commercial response to all his films show the precise opposite. In fact, your example of Red Hook Summer proves my point. Nobody talks about the great shots or the smooth direction or the dialogue or the characters - they just talk about the 'issues'  which, in the case of this film, are street

Lee picks good issues to make films about but he's by no means a technically or artistically impressive director.

"Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE" and "E.Buzz Miller".

Actually, it's a criticism that was persistently levelled at Hitchcock.

Tyler Perry hates black pets!

Perhaps it's you who is wrong?

Beautifully put, Mannerheim.

Oh shut up, whitey.

He's barely an Alvarez.


We didn't have the Dick Van Dyck show and we didn't - I don't think - have the MTM Show, definitely we didn't have it when it was coming out in the States (it might have been syndicated to some UK channels later). We didn't have Phyllis either. We did have Rhoda on BBC2 (a national broadcast channel) and we did have

That's true. But, to be fair, five minutes of Bilko inducting a chimp into the army and then defending him in a court martial is worth four hundred episodes of Lucy's witless mugging.


I must start using that.

Did anybody think that the VP was a little less impotent, less reactive, less irrelevant this episode?

G.  GORDON LIDDY WAS ON THE SHOW?!? is what I quite reasonably inferred.

I kind of think that Selena did care about these ridiculous issues because they were all that's left of more important issues that had been co-opted by POTUS for his own glory or forbidden by POTUS because they might tarnish his ratings.

Could be but, again, it's a bit opaque for a show known for its startling, vivid imagery.