
as someone who is asked more often that i’d care, to give public speeches, i can so no. no i have not shit my pants nor accidentally (while making it look deliberate??) given the nazi salute. yes public speaking is hard. yes people make mistakes. this, though, didn’t seem that huge of a ‘mistake’. who the fuck ‘waves’

wait are you a Canadian encouraging americans to invade, or are you a neocons encouraging progressives to leave?

nope, not true. executive orders and criminal justice fall under the executive branch. i’m not saying he’ll get what he wants—but the president has far more power than we tend to remember—which is kind of ridiculous considering that whole Iraq thing wasn’t that long ago.

a lot of Bernie’s tax policies are just going back to Ike and Nixon days. It’s a fucking shame that our most progressive liberal ‘socialist’ candidate is really just a remade, more compassionate mid-century Republican.

BUT—this is why he truly can win this thing. I have republican friends and family who actually like

EXACTLY—think republican politicians don’t want to look like they ‘worked’ with Obama? They’ll view it political suicide, even if Hillary hands them everything they want on a golden platter. I don’t think there’s someone more hatted by the Republicans—not even Michael Moore (I know this as I live in red country).


haha, me too...actually i read it like he slid his dick under the door and she took the picture. which would be pretty awesome.

Except you can’t have open containers in your vehicle. So legal, yes, but within eating distance while driving. Not legal. You’re now supposed to treat it like you would an open bottle of wine—not illegal to posses, but you need to have it far out of reach from you while you drive (trunk is ideal)

THC is the compound in pot that makes you high (tetrahydrocannabinol). A huge advantage to legal pot is that now products have to have THC labeling. So if you’re looking to get high to mellow out and sleep—help with food cravings (chemo patients), or maybe just for a variety of illnesses, you can look for lower thc

oh come on. a) we don’t know how he’d be president, but he’s got guts, determination and a good team—so i doubt he’d be a shit president. maybe not the president for you, but i think he’d really continue to advocate for certain aspects (and as head of the executive branch a lot of what he advocates for he can actually

As a woman I’m voting for Bernie because he doesn’t play politics to play politics like Clinton does. She’s been late to the party on every social issue, including women’s rights.

Man. 2016, give us a rest already!

yeah, i also had those feeling about the brother and the ex boyfriend—there’s something about that ex boyfriend that doesn’t seem right. But that’s complete speculation, and being judgemental on my part (the whole phone log thing though...gross and weird—I was talking to my boyfriend about that, we share a line so i

Yep. AND we are so fucking judgemental as a society. that’s a huge lesson to learn/teach. The Avery’s are poor, not that bright, live in a junkyard, get into trouble, etc. The police are there to protect us, right? So who’s correct? Juries almost always side with the prosecution, because the police testify, the jurors

hmmm—curious as to what you read that makes you say this? After the series i read A LOT and there were a few things that were omitted in the documentary that do indeed count against him, but the overwhelming questions, does not make a guilty verdict.

on the other hand, i do agree with you—i’m not out signing petitions

for reals. i rarely cry during any kind of movie or anything, but when they first show him marched off in handcuffs and chains i totally started crying. this kid had nothing to do with this and is a very simple soul. as a society we should be supporting people of this nature not figuring out ways to throw them behind

I think, but i’m not entirely sure, and am not looking it up right now that Brendan is already part of the Innocent Project. His case is an outright disaster and there’s no way he should be in jail, period, let alone not have been declared a mistrial. But from what i gathered at the end of the documentary—Brendan did

Motörhead totally reminds me of my late ‘90s college career. We had a huge badass poster in our living room, we all listened to metal/glam/heavy bands (AC/DC, Motörhead, Guns n’ Roses, Metallica, Megadeth)—when Ace of Spades (I just wrote Ace of Base because I’m a dumb ass) became known again because of that Tony Hawk

Sure, but this is land with mining rights and was an active mine until the mill was destroyed (mysteriously). The value could easily be in the $100s of Millions—depending on the remaining deposits. Not to mention, as pointed, out, the government spends BILLIONS of dollars on testing aircraft at this facility that

avocado ice cream is DELICIOUS. You should also try an avocado margarita if you ever get a chance.

This is why I HATE the NFL (and most professional sports leagues, but the NFL takes the cake). I love football (from one of those Friday Night Lights towns), but I can’t stomach this shit. Also, sure their offense sucks, but they could get rid of this asshole and (or bench him and send him to anger management