By the way, I won a head-to-head matchup against our own Barry Petchesky last week. SUCK IT, BARRY. I AM THE REAL DRAFTKING NOW. For a $2 bet, I took home $3.60. My DFS provider took 40 cents off the top for the vigorish. FUCKING EMBEZZLEMENT. I want Congressional hearings.
I had never even heard of this guy til the recent debate, and I wasn’t impressed. Also, I’m very much enjoying your political articles, Albert. Keep em coming.
Wow that spreadsheet was super creative and helpful.. 2 whole categories?! I’m impressed. So thorough. The one that says “Activity”.. that’s your MVP.
My dad tried to fix/touch up the door ding on the side of my car and ended up making it look 10 times worse b/c he has the painting skills of Ray Charles. I should have known not to let him work on it when I saw that he fixed his windshield washer spray nozzle with a piece of garden hose. INNOVATIVE YOU ARE NOT.
wow, lots of bitter dodgers/phillies fans with man-crushes on utley like mac from always sunny. i’m here for ya *hug*
either way it’s a dirty play and he should be suspended.
and pay tax. 1. walk in costco and admire tvs, 2. buy tv on amazon while you’re eating free samples.
Evans > Tomsula. It’s not even close.
If I smoked weed every morning, I would be jobless within a year.
this is madness
the biggest reason to dry yourself off IN the shower is that if you’re wet and you open that shower door it’s like an arctic breeze hits you and you freeze to death
I love you.
I dated a girl with a similar name as my sister (different spelling but same pronunciation). She also had the same major in college and had played the same instrument in band. She looked nothing like my sister but it was still weird.
Clearly just shaving her bush points.
That must’ve been an old Tebow shirt idea. H15TORY
The same people who think Dez caught that ball are the same people who think Obama is a Muslim and not a US Citizen.
What’s the name of this bar? I’m “kind of a panthers fan” in Denver, haha ;)
Read that as “Carmex” and it made complete sense, but now it burns when I pee.
we got the Bride’s Uncle higher than your average Bernie Sanders supporter