Spiller Me Timbers

These are pretty good guidelines, but there are always exceptions. Having that said, "being there for another reason" is the easiest "in" to a conversation at a bar or club. Just remember, your friend has just gotten a promotion and you're out celebrating.. easy.

took it to another level +1

I'm more surprised by the fact that millionaires use Sprint.

I agree. I'm re-gifting my star from him to you.

When did Baltic and Mediterranean become brown? They're purple in every Monopoly board I've ever played on. BIG BROWN at it again.

It looks like they took the base logo w/ a basketball and printed it on some shitty inkjet and the ink bled. Brilliant!

Pssht, I was that good when I was 9.. and I could shoot 3s. Too bad I didn't grow up to be 6'8" and black.

"There are dustings and sprinklings and twee little bows, all perfectly arranged for your perfect little evening of perfect holiday entertaining with your perfect neighbor guests and your perfect children standing by the table in their john-johns and singing gaily to you all as you pipe fresh, warm cognac into each

To fully rescue a dog you need to save it's life AND make it happy. All rescuers save it's life, which is great, but not all make it happy. You need to train the dog and break it of it's bad habits/conditioned responses otherwise the dog is just pissed and/or sad all the time. This is why I don't necessarily believe

There's a place here in Boulder called the Darkhorse that serves a Jiffy Burger just like you describe. It's basically a bacon cheeseburger with pb on it. If you haven't tried it, you're missing out. We love em so much we make em at home now.

The Lakers had a BIG FOUR of Kobe, Gary Payton, Karl Malone, and Shaq and got swept in the finals. This was before the BIG THREE was popular.

pineapples are actually very easy to cut up with THIS tool:

Don't ever visit Hawaii then. Those people are the slowest people on Earth. Hawaiian time they call it.. lazy samoans.

Taking a shower and having to shit is the worst, especially if you just got in. You gotta get out, half dry yourself off (or don't!), take a shit while water drips off you and your butt is sliding around on the toilet cuz it's still wet OH GOD THE HUMANITY. The real question is, do you wipe or just get back in the

I personally hate "THEY JUST WANTED IT MORE" as the reason one team won over another. Second prize goes to "THEY HAD MORE EXPERIENCE," especially when the playoffs come around. In short, I watch games on mute because I'm a grumpy old man.

there's a camera shortcut that goes to the camera that has a forecast overlay on it.. why the hell they spent time doing this is beyond me.

the widget is ugly, there is no 5-day forecast, and there is no daydream setting. why can't a weather app make all of these? yahoo has a gorgeous app, but no widget or daydream. an all-in-one android weather app is severely lacking. beautiful widgets has this, but i grew tired of the look of the format of their

"for a softy, he sure is stacked" - the blonde

tldr? learn to type