Gary MLT

Smash Mouth is still together?!?

Shouldn’t the headline be

2018 AG primary: James 40.3%, Teachout 31%

seems like the solution to this problem is to go get the god damn vaccine. 

The new villain’s name is simply “Chaos Monster” and now Robin’s gay. Did they hire someone from the AV Club to write for DC?

Dark Money? I mean this fugly mean spirited asshole engaged in ugly tactics and name calling and yet you insist she can win an election? I mean really the more people see of her the more they hate her. Can you clowns stop kissing the asses of these so called “progressives?” They have flipped no red seats blue, they

Dave Grohl is from the DMV and pays homage and due respect to all Black artistry including GO-GO. I disagree with your header as he has always been about the music of our folks with humility and reverence. Always. Idk where the privilege was presented especially since he publicly and privately gave Tony Thompson his fl

I am going to be that guy and say F’em. They fought climate change for years and most of them still deny it. I am the same way with people who don’t get the vaccine, if they die to bad, no tears, send them the hospital bill to pay in full. Just tied of rewarding stupid.

The second-to-last episode was a better ending than that season deserved.

I’m begging y’all to give this ghoul the LEAST amount of attention possible. I don’t care what “outrageous” or stupid donkey shit dribbles out her mouth — quit giving her oxygen. None of this is new or worthy of reporting on. I see some Jenner article basically every other day.

Somehow I don’t think we need to cater to stupid just because they’re so stupid. Stunt advertising for a comic book show is neither “irresponsible” nor “misinformation.” We don’t need to let the lowest common denominator of intelligence in this country dictate terms.


Don’t rail too hard. You got paid to write a full article about something that nobody who doesn’t already believe in lizard people and flat earth would see as anything other than exactly what it is.

President Weekend at Bernie’s is willing to sign his name to the group project knowing that he didn’t do any of the work.

Is there any writer anywhere more committed to trafficking in contrarianism and hopelessness that Michael Harriot. For the first time in history an American president, acknowledges the Tulsa Race Massacre and Harriot’s first complaint is that it’s not called the Black Massacre. (Just a reminder: before “Black” the

I wish liberals/Democrats would realize that THIS is how you deal with the average Cult 45er/conservative. Moral outrage doesn’t get the same kind of attention as letting these dipshits fully expose their ignorance and then watch as they backpedal into pearl-clutching mode. We’re smarter and funnier and more clever

Jay Z is a smart af businessman but he’s mediocre as a rapper.  At best.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.