Gary MLT

How does Iman Vellani keep giving me reasons to like her more? Actress, great. Writing comics? Great. From my area?  Awesome.  Pushing back against weird, confusing claims by executives that blot out canon she is working on? Be still my platonic, fandom heart.

He was elected in a free and fair election. In 2021, 45% of the registered voters in your state, around 2.7 MILLION voters, couldn’t get off their asses and vote for their next governor, who won by around 63,000 votes. Around 1%. It wasn’t important enough to them.

That conversation has happened before on Jezebel, and I still feel the same as every time that story has been dangled in front of me with the hope to elicit indignation. The conservative war against reproductive rights is a heinous business, but this particular story is a terrible hill to die on. Every aspect of it is

Even though that law applies to licensed abortion providers, not people self-managing their own terminations, Jessica Burgess was still charged.

I am pro-choice and deeply mourning the loss of reproductive rights in this country. [Bracing]. And I also think this case feels complex as at over 7 months we are talking less about a clump of cells and more about a living being who could technically be born at that time and, with assistance, survive. If this occured

The Root has never been an outlet for solid journalism. It’s an entertainment blog. There have been good writers working here, but I would never describe its journalism as good. But, fuck me, the bar has fallen so low here it’s embarrassing.

Most of these movies are fine actually. It seems that the author of this piece just doesn’t understand satire. The Rush Hour films were satirizing stereotypes. Tropic Thunder was satirizing narcissistic actors.

Hmmmm. You seem young to be offended by some of the funniest movies of their time. Do you play over on Twitter too? They live in a vacuum, and I’d be very careful making it look like every Black person agrees with your takes on movie comedy. Yes, a lot of it was racist as fuck, but making fun of it at the same time.

Barbara Billingsley a.k.a. TV’s June Cleaver “speaking jive” to random Black guys wasn’t funny in 1980 and it’s definitely not funny now.”

Jonah Hill made certain demands in the relationship. Those demands were bad: super unreasonable, petty, controlling, and born of deep insecurity. You could even argue they were misogynistic or narcissistic; that’s all fine. And for his own sake, if nothing else, Hill needs to get over whatever is making him this way.

Why would you include a statement from the extremist trolls at PETA? It’s like adding comments from 4chan to an article about trans rights.

Didn’t watch the last one, no interest in this one. 

Nothing wrong with fan service. No such thing as too much fan service. What we’re seeing is very common events in comics. Characters showing up in other crossovers stories. Easter eggs are rewards for true fans. If things like this bother you, then you aren’t a true fan.

Another example of io9 never being able to just let something cool stand on its own. Always gotta find the dark cloud around the silver lining. "Here's why that thing you like is bad and you should feel bad for liking it." I remember when io9 was a real cultural journalism outlet not this faux edgy pile of horse shit.

Nothing could ever redo 1997 Jennifer Love Hewitt

Honestly I think the main reason they’re irritated about her nomination is that it lays bare just how much the Academy Awards process is driven by an insider community and who-knows-who. They like to pretend that the best films and the best performances are recognized with Oscars, when in fact quality is only one of

Are the girls they are dating legal age? : yes

I thought the age of trolling celebrities because of their affairs was over. I’m actually embarrassed for The Root today. And no, we don’t care “how it plays out.” Ugh. Grow up.

Good Lord, I’m sorry interracial relationships cause you so much turmoil, but leave these people alone. And while I hate cheaters, it happens everyday and it's a little disingenuous for his wife to act all shocked when even she had stopped wearing her wedding band well before any of this came out

Yes, let’s publish an article about Kanye, whose entire point is that nobody should talk about or pay attention to Kanye. You are literqlly doing what you're telling everyone to stop doing. Are you completely lacking in self-awareness, or just too dumb to recognize the hypocrisy?