Spikeygrrl*Right Wing Nut Job

Sell, sell, sell your lies
Loudly down this thread
Liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal
Now go soak your head!

Wrong again. For 12 years I served as co-founder and Education & Outreach Director of an international high-IQ association with an EXTREMELY vested interest in evolution and how it may best be guided.

Your ignorance is remarkable. The primary characteristic of mules is that they CANNOT breed.

I'm not surprised that this idiot references genies, because he clearly supports "fairies."

Stick to your guns, Mr. Card. Have we REALLY become a nation where anyone who dares to disagree with the current radical-liberal political orthodoxy must be publicly pilloried? Liberals beware: would you want the same done to you when the pendulum swings back the other way, as it invariably and inevitably does in