
I’m not sure what you mean! Noah is not a well known name in the USA, at least, not like Schumer or Poehler. Yet he was competitive with such big names. I’m not dissing the guy, maybe he’ll be great. But it still speaks to the glass ceiling that either you hire rising or top stars like Schumer and Poehler

His interview with Vice President Biden was pretty gut-wrenching. It was a soft ball interview, but they spoke at length about the Vice President’s late son. V emotional.

I wasn’t even drinking anything and did a spit take. I’m dead.

I’ll listen to that song ten times in a row now.


Samantha Bee had an excellent response to this

Seriously, Theron made that movie. Hardy is great and all, blah blah blah, but that movie was Theron all the damn way.

Studio Exec: Movies with women in leading roles never succeed. We can’t do it.

If Ronda Rousey could act, then yes please.

So was Angelina Jolie’s character in Salt. It was supposed to be played by Tom Cruise. I’m glad they made that change.

Is it wierd that I’d kind of like to see Fight Club redone with female leads?

Damn right

Useless movie nerd fact: Ripley from the Alien franchise was originally written as a man. Now she's one of cinemas greatest asskickers.

My wife grew up in Lithuania under Soviet rule and I have a number of acquaintances and friends who grew up in the USSR as well. Trust me, “We don’t have sex in the USSR—we reproduce” was a common saying. The woman on Donohue was full of shit.

The hymen is the most pernicious myth that “traditional” societies have perpetrated against women. Time for it to go the way of foot binding. Depressing read.

I’m not gonna pretend I really understand what she’s saying... but if she has nothing to say about feminism, I’m glad she didn’t say anything. Not everyone has to be, or should be, a spokesperson for feminism.