
As a Russian, I am a bit more than just disappointed. The fact, that there are more shopping malls in Russia now does not compensate for complete disregard of human rights, incredible corruption, justice system serving just the elite, destruction of environment, healthcare, education. And attack of religion on science

The third member was released after an appeal, on technicality, that she was not actually singing and dancing in an infamous video, she was only getting her guitar. She is safe and well. However, there were 4 girls dancing in the video and identities of two of them are protected, because they still can face

According to Slate, it was established that abuse was possible and fabrication of the story was not. The case did not go to trial on the account of fragility of the girl. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_…

Purely as a speculation, it might suggest, that he has a strong lawyer and PR team and he was told never to say a thing on the subject himself. This, in turn, might suggest that there is something he'd better not talk about. While I agree about everyone judging and jumping to conclusions, still, it seems somewhat more

Rudeness is not the answer. Have a nice day.

That is certainly true. Only they are not quite wealthy. And do not give the impression that they want to go and live in America. First thing they did when came out was to plan a human rights project, and to visit court hearings and prisons.

And how would I know that?

There is no such thing as pure and simple art. There is always a context or artist's desire to invoke certain reaction.

Yes, blackface is totally ok in Russia for a simple reason. They do not have a clue about minstrel shows in US and more often than not blackface there is done without any desire to humiliate the blacks. It is done in theater and opera, during classic performances, like Aida and Othello. It does not care a racist

Yes, Russians on the average are casually racist and do not tend to notice it. This photo had different reaction in Russia. People were blaming reaction to it on over tolerance and excessive sensitivity. Most saw a pure PR move.

And arms. As in arms dealer.

Unlikely. They want to be human rights advocates for prisoners. They are not interested in staying here.

She is not just a socialite. She also runs a clothing company Kova and T. You know what I mean. )

I think you are forgetting all background story about slavery. While black woman sitting on a white one would be also racist, it would not be as offensive, because white people did not endure slavery form the black people.

I think this teacher should not be allowed to teach kindergarten again. That said, this incident should invite a discussion on the subject of why prepubescent girls breast exposure is still considered indecent in US, while boys breast exposure is not (if that was not the case, I doubt that this kind of punishment was

I think divide and steal is higher on his agenda. (((

Also, this is cherry picking the bible. No one insists on stoning disobedient wives and children, of wives who were not virgins on their wedding night. But with declaring that gay people are abomination? Yeah, everybody's on board. Hypocrisy and idiocy at its finest.

By itself? No. But I still have hope.

Yeah, asking Virgin Mary to get rid of Putin then and criticizing his policies and conditions in Russian prisons now, of course, where is consistency?

Do you know, what Maria Alekhina said upon the news on the possibility of an early release? "Is there a way not to get out now? I still have some things to do here". She meant her attempts to attract attention to very poor and not quite lawful conditions and labor practices in her colony. She is not done making life