
No, the whole point was, that they had to use the criminal article, that did not apply to what they did! If you could see the trial, it was such a travesty! The prosecution had a witness, that was claiming that due to blasphemy, she could not eat and sleep any more properly! The prosecution did not say anything about

It is much worse and more than that, human rights advocates, who work with prisoners, put a number of unjustly convicted people in dozens of thousands. And I am talking about cases, that have enough documents to prove their innocence, yet they still serve many years and do not get any appeals.

I am pretty sure they sew things either for other prisoners or for the army.

No, they did not clearly break the law. There is no criminal article of law to charge them with for singing in a church for two minutes, between services, during the day, when there were actually just a few people there. They might have broken administrative regulations of the cathedral, but for breaking an

No, it is not because they are photogenic white women. It is because their case is an indication of Russia slipping into full scale tyranny and there are lots of Russians who want to prevent that. They shouted about this case everywhere and fortunately they were heard.

What concerns me, where is the line and who gets to draw it? To me it seems, that when wearing Bindi is not OK leads straight to Muhammad cartoons causing riots. Yes, tiny things not being OK to say/do about religion do lead to not being able to breath a word of criticism. And riots because of cartoons are not a

You might be right about this one. )

Why Kristen Stewart is still bearing the full blame for those kisses? There were two people kissing, the guy is much older, why is he not being called a jerk every single day???

Wow. Is there a pic of McGyvered armadillos? I am in an awe.

They are not pro-life, they are pro-punishment for women they consider sluts. And they are very much pro-death for some of those women, because laws like that will result in women's deaths.

One word. Whedongasm.

Why hate Facebook? Not everyone is using it for pure time wasting and reposts of cat and baby pictures. A lot of charitable and human rights projects are possible thanks to FB connecting people. So cut the hate. Facebook is just a tool.

I hate it when journalists take a lazy approach to names. For me it is particularly noticeable with tennis. Come on, the journalists depend on the players to make news, so why is it so hard to learn names? Why can't anybody say "Agnieszka"? It is not a very difficult name, once you've heard it pronounced correctly

Courtney Stodden is a D-lister??? No. She is clearly an F-lister.

I would not say anything to them either. But perhaps it is best to prepare an answer in case any of them would hear about the tragedy. Something along the lines, that life is complex and contradictory, and his sporting achievements being still amazing and within reach for anyone with drive and persistence.

First of all, it is wrong to presume that every single abortion is just for convenience. How can you judge millions of people without knowing them? There are multiple various very valid reasons. Second, even criminals are not considered criminals before their fault is proven. It is called "presumption of innocence".

"Trud" means "Labor" in Russian. Some people loved the new version of "Anna Karenina" and some people did not. Why is this news?

I am not certain you'd understand, but let me try. I do care about Russia and Russians very much and it pains me that it is getting so bad there. Recognizing that there are problems to be dealt with does not equal an anti-Russian statement.

He is not popular as much as you think. He had to steal about 15%of the votes to go barely over half of all votes. His fortune is estimated at about 40 billion dollars, he has a dozen of residences including this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin's_Palace