
Courtney Stodden is a D-lister??? No. She is clearly an F-lister.

I would not say anything to them either. But perhaps it is best to prepare an answer in case any of them would hear about the tragedy. Something along the lines, that life is complex and contradictory, and his sporting achievements being still amazing and within reach for anyone with drive and persistence.

First of all, it is wrong to presume that every single abortion is just for convenience. How can you judge millions of people without knowing them? There are multiple various very valid reasons. Second, even criminals are not considered criminals before their fault is proven. It is called "presumption of innocence".

"Trud" means "Labor" in Russian. Some people loved the new version of "Anna Karenina" and some people did not. Why is this news?

I am not certain you'd understand, but let me try. I do care about Russia and Russians very much and it pains me that it is getting so bad there. Recognizing that there are problems to be dealt with does not equal an anti-Russian statement.

He is not popular as much as you think. He had to steal about 15%of the votes to go barely over half of all votes. His fortune is estimated at about 40 billion dollars, he has a dozen of residences including this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin's_Palace

Putin has stolen half the country and lets his friends steal the rest. He is becoming more tyrannical by the minute and one does not need to build any anti Russian sentiments, he is doing it himself with unconstitutional laws, forged elections, absent justice system and massive corruption. Nothing has improved under

It was never completely dissolved, it has been renamed and transformed, but it is very much alive and kicking, and one of theirs is the president of Russia. It is called FSB now, if you are wondering. The methods are very much the same, nothing has changed here.

That is not funny, cause sadly KGB still tortures and kills under other name.

I cry, cause I see it firsthand.

It would be funny if the whole country did not suffer in real time.

Newtone12 has posted 4 times the same untrue thing. Do they pay by the post in KGB, or by the percentage of the page, covered by your posts?

Hopefully this sad political era in Russia will come to the end soon enough and you will still be able to adopt. About a hundred thousand people braved temperatures in teens today in Moscow and a dozen other cities. The age of political apathy in Russia is no more, it is a fact.

It has everything to do with politics, even the Duma itself called this an "asymmetrical response" to the Magnitsky Act of Accountability Law. More than thousand Russian kids die every year in Russian adoptive families, less than 20 died in USA in 20 years. Gee, where is the problem?

Bardot is awfully uninformed about extremely widespread animal cruelty in Russia, of which Moscow full of fur coats is the smallest one. Stray cats an dogs are routinely killed with poison and firearms by local authorities. Anti stray animal activists illegally spread poison in parks and none have been punished. Cats

NRA is not responsible for the particular shooting, but they are responsible for pressing against any sensible conversation on reasonable gun control. The way they shut down any gun control related discussions makes them look like they are only interested in the gun industry profits. So yes, indirectly they are

Fuck you, Ed Rivet and the Michigan lawmakers. No travel to your fucking state for me, no money for your tourism.

While mocking anyone for their figure is not nice at all and deserves criticism, I do not think it was particularly racist. Also, a question. Would you have jumped at that if Wozniaki was black and Williams white?

Yes, there were a few tries. There was a Polish movie, which I have not seen. Then there was a Russian movie which mysteriously disappeared for almost two decades, that one might not be on DVD for English speakers, but the actors were great there, pity they did not have good CG, I am talking here about 1994 version.

Dave Brubeck died today, just one day shy of 92.