
Having looked through the comments, there is no way to escape a logical conclusion, that quite a lot of people do not lose it till their 20-s for a variety of reasons. Thanks to Jezebel for getting it out in the open, cause it is important to say that "normal" has a pretty wide range and it is nothing to be ashamed of.

Totally. PETA are much more attention whores than decent animal welfare advocates. Hobbit is big, so I am guessing that the problem with animals is likely a tiny lack of oversight and PETA is just jumping on the publicity wagon. We should remember, that LOTR production did not have animal welfare problem and the

So called pro-lifers should be called anti-women, cause they are.

Sickening as it is, this seems to be a bit more thing of the past (although the article hints at Kenya, is it possible that it is still practiced there???), comparing to the horrors which are still firmly in today. Like female circumcision.

No problem. :-)

Returning home from a job out of town - not quite personal use.

I hope you are better off now. It is amazing, how many idiots think that all poor are freeloaders...

Did Parade go away from being conservative? Cause I remember during the drum up to the war in Iraq, it was scolding Barbra Streisand for criticizing George Bush on her own (!) webpage.

Technically, yeah. (((

Everybody is different. Even among rich people, some care about their taxes being lower and some do happen to care about the greater common good.

I think self respecting sources should stop doing articles on that altogether, unless a really huge and serious study comes along. People want to enjoy their wine, so just let them.

It boggles my mind, how these people think they are good and moral for not drinking, smoking or shagging anyone but their spouse, but think nothing of lying, bullying and disrespect for the president and for women.

What they have does resemble a cult A LOT. http://jezebel.com/5939635/the-duggars-are-an-evil-cult

I believe also they have declared their house to be a church, so not to pay real estate taxes. Of course, they are hard working people, not moochers, so it must be ok.

Don't forget the evil Church. One priest publicly regretted that his position of the priest prevented him from helping the goons to trash this gay bar. Seriously, where is the lightning, right between the eyes?

Fun fact, the last name Priebus sounds utterly indecent in Russian, as it is a derivative from the Russian F-word.

Christina is great, but when can we finally have Nathan Fillion host???

And all Romney needs to do to put an end to many things, like Medicare, abortion, equal pay and many more is to put his Judge on the Supreme court. Listen, I do not know you, but based on the fact that Obama did not do a single thing about the second amendment and any gun issue for 4 years, the idea that he will do

I hear you.

I see your point, but for this kind of purpose people need hunting rifles, not automatic or semi automatic, not even a hand gun. And definitely not those huge multi bullet magazines for mass shooting. What I do not get, why the gun crowd does not support anything reasonable in the middle? Like being able to purchase