The transcript of today's circus/trial in English:
The transcript of today's circus/trial in English:
I am following this "trial". It is such a travesty. Professional lawyers are in total dismay at the scale of lawbreaking and total disregard for proper procedures. Here are a few gems from this "trial":
Listening to the trial is bringing thoughts about dark ages and witch burning. The mind refuses to acknowledge that this can be happening in the twenty first century. What is happening, they are being punished for praying to the mother of god, so she gets rid of Putin. I am quite sure, that if they prayed for his…
Yes, they have wonderful intelligent faces, don't they? The other day one of them was photographed holding a paper saying "I don't want to go to jail for my convictions, but I guess I have to." It is amazing that they are in good spirits. They have been separated from their kids since the arrest, and when in court,…
It is not a democracy, the scale of election rigging both in parliamentary and presidential elections was outrageous. Any proper democracy ought to have canceled the results.
Believe me, my friends and me are surprised too. We thought that this would not happen again in Russia. Apparently we did not bury Stalin's legacy properly. We never called it for what is was and we never taught children in schools that it was horrible. As a result the present government resorted to the same tools as…
I have concerns about that too. For two reasons. First one is human rights violation (both generally and those during the process of the Olympic Village construction), and the second, I have serious concerns about the safety of infrastructure, including roads, tunnels, etc. From every government project a portion of…
No, they have not said anything anti-religious, and actually the song itself was a sort of a prayer. Unorthodox, I grant, but still a prayer. But it also contained some harsh words about the leader of the Russian Orthodox church, who is known for love of expensive things (and some questionable money making) while…
I do not live there now, but I keep on top of things. It is bad, the justice system serves the corrupt officials, lots of innocent people are in jail, infrastructure is crumbling while the number of billionaires is rising. There is no consensus per se, one has to extrapolate things, because it is impossible to trust…
No. It is far from joke, they have been 4 months in jail already. They have nothing to charge them with in the criminal code, so, they are trying to make a case of religious hate instigation. The opposing lawyer today was busy linking their song to killing of a muslim cleric in Russia and to 9/11. I am quite serious,…
Very true. They are not sentenced yet, but there is talk about 7 years. Lots of thieves, drunk drivers, murder enablers get off much easier in Russia today.
It is a horrible case, it has shown that church is actually not quite separated from state in Russia. Practically, they have done nothing that can be incriminated to them according to the Criminal Code, because even for "hooliganism" there should be bodily or property damage. There were three expert investigation of…
At least she was acting and made people laugh. When people make even more obscene amounts of money by selling cheap junk and paying their workers too little, by selling weapons, by blowing up mountains, spoiling forests and oceans - that is when I start begrudging their earnings.
Good one, but I usually go with "my freaking body is mine and that is a fantastic feeling". It turns out, that it is possible to love kids to pieces and hate being pregnant.
Yes, they got married after she was born and Katie had her figure back. Perhaps her condition was pretty wedding pictures.
No, Miley is shacking with such an eye candy, she would not go for an old gay scientologist. Besides, she is very far from poor.