
“An assistant coach at a North Carolina High School”

“New Apex Legends Feature...”

So, is it a King Classic in the making or just a really good movie?

I kinda want a twenty-something journalist to say this to Donald when he lies during one of those Q and A’s on the White House lawn.

What are the chances that Need for Speed Heat actually comes out this Friday? From what I’ve ascertained, outlets haven’t gotten code for that game as of last week. Or is Heat this year’s Quiet Man?

Listening to this album, it felt like I was being asked for a donation to put toward his latest jet. I hate this album.

Curious. Who were the three Republicans who didn’t vote?

It’s late in the day, but what’s up with that Thiel disclaimer? Is this code for something?

So, is this moving to Tulsa given that your current employer has a job available for you in Tulsa? If so, that’s really restrictive.

Should also mention the weird Rick and Morty cross-promotion for one match. I dug it, but part of me felt kind of weird about it when the Rick and Morty promo aired right after the match.

I’m okay with strangers seeing my wrestling GIFs.

Came here looking for the word “charter” and wasn’t surprised when it popped up. Man, what a fucking scam charter schools are.


What did Pitchfork give it? I’m guessing a 10 based on how much it sounds like bullshit.

Corpse Run and Awkward Zombie for the win this week. But that’s just because I’m fully ensconced in Three Houses. On my second playthrough and so far I’m digging how Black Eagles and Blue Lions routes are subtly different so far. Especially when you have the foreknowledge of what happens in the Black Eagles path.

I watched DraQu play through the campaign earlier today, and I had a bad taste in my mouth at the ending. The way this game has been marketed and that ending clash directly with one another. At least that was how I saw it.

That set looks like the inside of Moya from Farscape.

Huh. How much does WWE talent get paid then? Surely a Roman Reigns or a Seth Rollins pulls in more than $500,000 a year, right?

Holy shit. So, when does the “civil” war part of this shitshow commence?

If it wasn’t for this outlet, I wouldn’t have even known about this tragedy. I haven’t seen this on mainstream media at all.