spike is dead

Swoon-worthy episode all around.

January Jones crawling into the large hole behind the Rita Hayworth poster was superb.

Chapelle was on fire. So were A Tribe Called Quest and Kate McKinnon.

I'm confused. Is the implication that the Major is the first or the only full-body cyborg? Batou's always traditionally been full body, too. Other than that, sure, yeah, it looks pretty. I'll watch it. To be honest, I'm a bigger fan of Stand Alone Complex than the Oshii films.

That's going to be me until the next presidential election.

Hm. But Tecate is my go-to cookout drink. I ain't springing for a case of the good shit for Hector's family's backyard barbecue.

I'm very excited for this film. The short story is absolutely beautiful.

I'm still not sure how to handle Black Cat's ultra-heel turn. It hasn't been super consistent across comics. In some, she's evil and all, but not in an "I'll murder you" kind of way, and in others, she comes off like the Kingpin in a cat suit.

No, I just don't have room in my head right now for that. I said as much. I can do that tomorrow, maybe, or in January, but it's ridiculous that the burden of understanding should be asked of the people most in danger from this administration immediately after the election. And here's the thing, though: I already

Yeah, but he didn't even like, call the cops or lead him anywhere or anything! This is a lost child, Donald.

I'm living in San Antonio, and I've met Castro. Nice guy. He and his brother, Joaquin, are generally well-liked here on both sides of the aisle. Strange, too, considering how outspoken they are, but there you go. Castro did a lot to bring jobs and economic growth to the city, which helped, I think. It's mostly stayed

I wonder how people will feel when the price of common goods goes up if Trump pulls the U.S. out of NAFTA. That will be a shock.

Of course the burden falls on the marginalized to empathize with the people who, by their vote, have shown that they hate PoC, immigrants, the poor, the disabled, and LGBT+ folks. Isn't it always that way?

>Oliver made

I'm so angry, but more than that, I'm terrified. I'm terrified for friends and family back home who might be losing their friends and family forever. I'm terrified for our future. I'm terrified for my fellow POC. I'm terrified for my LGBT+ friends and myself. I'm terrified the 21 million who will lose access to

So are you reviewing it yet.

Agreed. Best episode since the pilot. I was genuinely excited about finding out the outcome. And I loved the "did you do it?" "I thought you did it" exchange between Annalise and Frank. Psyched for season two to start off with a bang, lose its nonsensical thread and then come together at the end.