Seen CupcaKKe? Sexy big fire.
Seen CupcaKKe? Sexy big fire.
You get them to mention it, then make them do something about it.
Strong, independent tigers don’t need no man.
Ball bras, boys.
You must be fun at parties. Lol. Like you’re ever invited.
Disney has been destroying their old movies by replacing the animation for HD but removing a rape joke from the credits of a 90’s CGI movie is apparently what upsets people here.
Yes, he got the idea for this scene while sexually assaulting an employee.
Nope. I can assure you I would remember that.
Harvey Weinstein raped women who wouldn’t do the casting couch thing once they were alone.
Victim blame much?
Especially when everyone is alive. Stuff gets cut out of Shakespeare all the time.
Yet very few rape jokes.
“Important” might be overstating it a little, especially with a living person who is mostly in mediocre movies and tv shows. Home Improvement is basically forgotten already.
The Tale of Genji and most adaptations of 47 Ronin are melodrama. But then, so is Hamlet.
Schools had smoking lounges for students in 1983.
Yes, that’s as uncool as not loving The Offspring.
I think it is a lot *better*. It might be bad or even deadly, but it’s technically less deadly. Still probably worse than pot.
Shouldn’t your card do that automatically if you’re on a VPN set to Japan and on the Japanese PS Store?
“When you take the job of token conservative, you are contractually obligated to promote things you don’t believe.”