Rebel Queen

Hold it up on 30 foot poles.

2-1 War With Iran

Look into The Lusty Lady in Seattle. The Stranger has articles on it in their archives.

Also, The Lusty Lady went out of buissness when WaMu went bankrupt.

Being $100,000 in debt with no income will push you to take bad risks because you don’t have other options.

Or desperate because our college loan system is destroying their lives.

I’m guessing not in Seattle though.

Well, they certainly didn’t develop meaningful relationships with their children.

Remember when people used to make fun of these stereotypes I am invoking for humor?” Eat a dick, Joe. Maybe you’ll develop a lisp.

My thought was that I want to be hot next time too. 🤷‍♀️

My first thought was that it’s supposed to be literally his soul. So from that perspective, I too would like to be hot next time. I’m not sure if he meant it that way but some people might be forgetting that.

There are doctrinally gender neutral religious, such as Sikhism, though cultural patriarchy heavily influences what should be heretical sexism.

Yeah, that was a weird scene, especially to put in trailers. If you’re not putting your face in it, why do you even care? 

I suspect that’s common with a lot of queer women. Not that I have any idea if you are, of course.

I started using an old school one blade, like from the 50’s. 1000 times better than the 3 blade moisturizer swivel head whatever most companies push. I have tons of control. It’s great.

I doubt he cares. This seems more like disrespect. Dude is a notorious asshole.

Alex Rodriguez is trash. People from Seattle could tell you that. Dude literally worked PR to get Boeing to relocate corporate to Chicago right after bouncing from The Mariners for big money and steroids. He was *not* a home run hitter here.

The military and police are awesome though. If guess they’re worried Nancy Pelosi will personally take them.

If only they were inspired to have a protagonist that wasn’t a generic white guy. I’d settle for him being bald or having a prosthetic arm/leg.