Rebel Queen

This is the upside of a sundowning idiot-child president who only cares about himself.

At least until they are hanged.”

There are better sources. That show is pretty reductive. (About most things)

Imperial China used it to great effect too.

Everything is Hillary’s fault forever. /s

Due process?! They’re not even citizens!

seems reasonable”

Due process was always a fiction or a luxury good, depending on skin color.

Yeah, the amendments protecting people against the police, courts, and prisons have always been interpreted... losely.

Well, the constitution is supposed to prevent the really bad ideas, but lately violating the constitution to implement bad ideas which are also unpopular seems to be the norm.

Are you saying he doesn’t have the sniffles?

Canada did it and it worked. The US isn’t allowed to do things that work, especially things that work in other countries.

Just wait...

Yep. Drugs have always been legal if you’re white.

Ha, I knew that whole forest fire story was fake!

Heroin isn’t dangerous if it’s in a pill. /s

Or keep slaves.

Probably the latter. The EU is closer to what they imagined.

An idiot can still play another idiot, especially if the one being played has a huge ego.

Don’t forget the tobacco and alcohol lobbies, who don’t want to compete with a product that might have fewer negative side effects.”