Rebel Queen

Don’t even get me started on conservative men chasing trans women.

If you’re not white or your family income is under $30,000 a year then the people running this country think you’re basically already a criminal.

I’ll donate the barbed wire.

Depends on how poor the white kid’s parents are and what economic class the teacher is from.

Small children always logically consider the consequences before imitating their favorite superhero, right?

They double check to see if it is a problem wih a paper bag.

Real democracy needs to be restored. Voter suppression, unlimited election spending, and gerrymandering is forcing an oppressive system on a population when the majority does not support it.

And of you do get a court appointed attorney they will tell you to plead guilty.

Taking funds that could help make these kids lives better from state and federal funds so they can be taken from their parents and abused.

That attitude is a problem though. These kids need qualified therapeutic counselors. It would pay untold dividends.

We need real counseling available in schools that don’t just give bad presentations and help decide your class schedule. Masters degree holders in child psychology.

This tracks with what I saw in Tacoma. One look at a girl’s homework and it was clear she could succeed if she had proper support but was being treated as lacking intelligence. Another case was two boys who caused trouble. The white boy didn’t get punished while the black boy was removed from class as soom as the

Just remember that we can’t look at what the Scandinavian countries are doing because they’re not America. /s

Schools have plenty of ways to abuse kids without letting cops get in on the action. This program shouldn’t have ever existed. Public education is important but the discipline in a lot of them if not most is broken. I saw that at more than one school I worked at.

Trump only goes to live performances that involve women urinating.

That ferret on his head is still alive?! Poor thing.

Maybe if it sells like a million copies.

It would have to be a first or second party dev. The only third party publisher who might be able to afford it right now is EA and they don’t care enough about this kind of thing. You’re basically burning money to simulate something that most people don’t appreciate. Obviously Valve could, if they still made stuff but

Just wait until the kids toys ship. The rape playset will sell out fast. It’ll be the goto kids goft for Christmas.

At least that would be a play on words.