Rebel Queen

Offred, because June was her name before she became a slave who is raped.

He could always try suing her like his employees have to sue him.

Some assumptions I’m probably right about: He thinks a trade deficit means we’re becoming poorer rather than richer slightly slower and that it contributes to the national deficit, which he thinks is the same as the national debt.

It’s very confusing. 🤷‍♀️

Blockchain! The Cloud! Web 2.0!

Even that might be overestimating their courage.

If this were 5 years ago he’d be saying we need to put poor people in The Cloud.

Blockchain?! Umm, we already have Soical Security numbers. Everyone on his staff is an idiot.

Pretty sure he thinks Star Trek is liberal propaganda.

Slenderman cries himself to sleep at night?

We are ruled by children.

We definitely don’t have mortality statistics for this yet. I thought about that an hour ago. I seriously might vomit in the next few minutes.

He looked weird in the Michael Bay TMNT though.

The Leader? Nah, his chin is way too weak.

Revenge is a dish best substituted for nachos.

In this case it’s because she bought the script and is producing.

Just because you’re not paying attention doesn’t mean the distinction isn’t being made.

Yeah, the Montgomey bus boycott was totally facism. 🙄

There was.