
When I was in my twenties and in pretty good physical shape, I fell and broke three ribs. I wasn’t especially fragile — I just fell onto a cross-wise landscaping timber (bigger than a 2x4, smaller than a 4x4).

Would it be funny if Pelosi or Booker was attacked from behind or is it just funny because he’s a white republican? 99% of you keyboard warriors never been even slapped in the face, broken ribs is a bitch ton of pain. Personally I believe everyone would be much more accountable in their words and actions if they knew

Sounds like he was screaming about a snackbar, so I’m guessing no

From the article linked above:

Fox News claims he was shouting “Allahu Akbar” which is not really associated with suicide by cop, but is quite correlated to mowing down pedestrians with an automobile.

Andrew, the “P is for Punk rock”, Collins. 20 seconds was all the time you needed to spend on that research. I’m digging the sound those kids are putting out. Kind of like the Hot Rod Garage theme song band and some early Chili Peppers stuff. I listened to a few of their songs already and going to keep digging.

Honorable mention: 1994 Chevy S-10 SS. Mine cost 14 grand, ran a 15.1 in the quarter (fast for back then), and could haul way more stuff than I wanted it too, because every-freaking-body would ask ME to help them move, since I had a truck.

Hey, Hey, Hey, settle down! You can’t just go out and buy five AMCs at once. You’ve got to.....

all people who live in rural areas are dumb, racist hicks? You wonder why Hillary lost. jesus.

Dear Lifehacker,

I never in my life thought I would hear that one of these turds looked anything like an NSX. I’m still digesting that one. These things looked like they were squeezed from a tube, and seemed to lack any styling whatsoever. This was the most boring iteration of the Camaro ever. Hated them then, hate them now.

I’m still sad that these didn’t get a second generation. If they did, I might drive one right now.

Woow. What a great argument. *clap* *clap* *clap*

How professional. You used two words that directly conflict with each other, and the only rebuttal you have is to comment on a single typo. Who exactly gets paid here? You or the commenter? Fix your shit and stop being an ass when people point out your lacking integrity.

Such poor planning. No security, or velvet ropes, and you arrange the expensive ass art like a giant game of fucking dominoes.

Easy: Front plate requirement. Ohio, requires it. Michigan (and damn near everyone else), not so much.

Cars have nothing to do with GoT.

I know bloggers need to be topical but...this is a stretch guys. Take it back to the drawing board.

I like this new format for these posts that started recently where you reproduce the same stuff every day and bury the new stuff inside it so I have to read the whole thing. It’s taken something that used to be useful for me to find new content and instead made it a page I’ve decided to stop reading. This will save me

I like this new format for these posts that started recently where you reproduce the same stuff every day and bury

Advil - went over my head.

Advil - went over my head.