
she's a mom and doctors hate her

but did he earn $32,000 a month while working from home using this weird trick a local woman discovered?

But I hear they make a KILLI- *is immediately ambushed and thrown off of a bridge*

manny pacquio

I've never really had much problem with Diddy players online in For Glory.

The last time I drove through AR I nearly died. It's probably payback.

A surprisingly solid "Metroidvania" 2-D-style game, marking the return of one of Capcom's long-ignored franchises. While it could have been longer and more fleshed-out, it still does justice to the older Strider games. Strangely enough, this was the first game that made me glad I had invested in a PS4.

Always cool to see what the community terms are for things I'm doing by accident

As much as I love the concept & story behind Never Alone, I cannot imagine how it could make a Game of The Year list. The platforming is clunky, the character AI was practically broken at the time of release, and the game was quite buggy when I first played it.

I'd rank Patrol Missions thusly:

waiting for Bukkake - The Game

Good! She would look absolutely ridiculous standing next to a dinosaur with boxing gloves!


Proud to be a heavy after watching this.

You can't pass. It's free!

Hey! Director/DP of the short here. Thanks for the kind words. We actually DO make a lot of original work, which can be seen on our YouTube channel (YT/ben3308) if you like. Normally, we split our time between tense dramas and farcical parodies, so this 'action' film was a refreshing test of our crew's versatility.

There goes Seb, jerking off Siamese twins again.

So what your saying is that it's not for you?