Let's be honest, the title of this article didn't even need "New Game Commercial".
Canada has data caps smaller than that one game on most Internet accounts.
Nope. The secret to being a billionaire is having a billion dollars.
Kotaku's Fall Headline: "Meet the Man who has collected all 347 Steam Machines".
It's still there.
"You cannot mount in combat."
"You cannot mount in combat."
"You cannot mount in combat."
*Feign Death*
"I know some people will disagree with this and bring up ethics, but I think this whole issue is about a lot more than Faker. It's about Riot not enforcing their own legal terms of service. It's about a co-owner of Riot Games being completely out of touch with esports and the spectator mode. It's about a company…
Don't cross the streams.
Now we know what Mario Maker will be used for. Yikes.
The lack of new content in a collection of HD remasters surprised you?
That's why you're not cool.
Dat Zombie Gief doe
Well no, she's already in heaven, you're just trying to see if You Can Take Her Higher. To A Land Where Blind Men See.
Oh wow, we can make screenshots. The future has come!
Can we all just appreciate, for a moment, the genius that is Jason Schreier's opening sentences to Destiny articles??
Everyone: Bungie, please, please, please give us raid matchmaking.
"Great Game, 10/10!"