

2014: The Year of the Butt Slam

"Symmetra: an Indian architech... building a device that instantly transports her teammates to the front lines."

Not at all, I was just reminded how awesome Saga is. I'll check out The Oath as well.

Man, Saga though. So good.

Psh. Muggle.

"I will not leave until I've seen the end of this argument two dudes had four years ago."

No new raid? :(

So wait... is my math wrong here or are they saying they're on track to make ~$360 million in the next 6 months?

Maaaaan. I agree totally, you missed the mark on this game big time. Play this alongside Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and tell me they're fundamentally different enough to warrant such a polarized opinion.

Just another journalist backing up the CORRUPT AAA GAMING MACHINE

For the same reason you can play rock paper scissors for money but not poker. The options are always the same for each player, so there is no "chance" involved. Neither player has a pre-determined advantage over the other.

I would massively interested in seeing a computer play this game.

I agree whole-heartedly with this. It doesn't matter if I spent 15 or 50 dollars on this game, if it was not fun, it was not fun. Whether it was $15 worth of "not-fun" or not is irrelevant. It was legitimately not enjoyable. Hence the review score.

Fair enough. Maybe just too traditional for my tastes. :P

Wouldn't this sensationalize it a bit though? It genuinely sounds like a dangerous job, and I'm not sure I'd want people comparing it to a fictional character. (As badass as Spider-Man is)

I'm making an observation in the form of a question?

More like "the bell of A-bacon-ing"!

Dr. Who anyone?

I'm still immensely disappointed that they removed that line of dialogue from the final game. Also immensely disappointed I didn't buy the t-shirt.